The Anarchic Consort

The Anarchic Consort Chapter 85

January 9, 2018

Misty: Sorry for the wait,it’s been a crazy year(yes, it just started but it’s been soooo hectic)… I’m sorry that the chapter releases have been a little sporadic. Will try my best to keep up. Just a few rambles in case I thought I had mentioned but didn’t.. Sorry OLMT will also be pushed back for this few weeks, I’m in the midst of crazy start of year work + kid just started school so my whole sleep schedule is now officially non existent… and I’m moving house so haven’t even started packing but… all the renovations and checking of paint jobs… people not showing up when they were supposed to…a brand new dishwasher that was wet inside when I opened it from the packaging… a dent in the brand new cooker hob…ugh..the list just goes on and on… But yes..there’s the blessings in disguises as well… happy moments despite all these.. ughhhhh..just had to rant. So just give us a few weeks to get everything sorted out.. thank you soooo much.

For PAW readers.. Z is still away on holiday, sorry, she’ll usually make it up when she’s back…


ok, enough rambling and here you go…

Here’s your happy dose~

Happiness Translated by Blue Blossoms!

*clap clap clap*

  1. that must be hard on you, you’ve worked hard! give yourself after this a reward, even if small one, and brighten your world 🙂

  2. Ugh…I did something crazy like that three years ago sometime between Christmas and new years…OMG never again. Moved house, new job, the lot. All I can say, now looking at my beautiful home and everything in its place is that it will be worth it in the end! This time next year you will be sipping pina coladas or mojitos and thinking like I am now probably…NEVER AGAIN. *LOLS* Until you do it again *LOLS* Thank you for the effort in putting out this chapter, for finding the calm within your storm to give us a little bit of happiness. Namaste. 🙂

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