Black Bellied Belle

Made to Work From Home with Kids Is an Absolute Nightmare

April 15, 2020

Everyone’s made to stay and work from home with the kids made to do home based learning for school online is an absolute nightmare! ! Many a time I just want to either tear my hair out or to

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But well, it’s to protect everyone that people are made to stay at home except for essentials.

The use of computers at home are largely taken up by the kids’ home based school work and classes attended online and they require parents’ supervision and help, on top of having to prepare their breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner….. Almost the entire day is taken up with the kids. I really apologize for the tardy postings and hope to gain your forgiveness.

I can only try my best to work in spurts when the kids have gone to bed and is able to sink into my chair while keeping a hot mug of steaming coffee readily within hand’s reach.

Stay well everyone, wash your hands and all the best to keeping your sanity to all parents in the world right now………….. Pray for us…


Misty & Cloud

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